Do You Need a Water Heater Replacement in Edmonton? Homeowners Call EZ Plumbing First!
Need a Water Heater Repair? Edmonton Area Homeowners Call EZ Plumbing First!
If it hasn’t happened yet, it probably will. You step in the shower and turn on the knob, expecting a soothing rain of hot water to prepare you for your day. Instead, you get a tepid or freezing shower that doesn’t warm up no matter how much you adjust the knob.
Uh-oh. Water heater problems have arrived.
It’s a good thing you have the number for EZ Plumbing and have multiple options for water heater replacement in your Edmonton home. Hot water tanks in Edmonton and the surrounding areas that are older can fail easily, generally without any warning; hence, that early morning surprise during your shower. It’s time to get EZ Plumbing experts on the job. We can handle anything your hot water system dishes out. Call us first!
Enjoy the Benefits of EZ Plumbing’s Heating System Services
Of course, EZ Plumbing can help with much more than water heaters. If you have a radiant (hydronic) heating system, you want to keep it in good repair, too, so you stay warm during the cold Canadian winters.
Do you think your pipes may be leaking? Call us. We also do gas conversions, safety checks, system replacements, and many more services that keep you comfortable. Here are a few benefits EZ Plumbers can provide:
Reliable Hot Water, on Demand
Shocking, cold showers are just one thing you’ll avoid with a great water heating system. Washing dishes, doing laundry, and keeping your home germ-free are bonuses.
If your water heater isn’t doing what it’s supposed to, we’ll provide water heater repair or water heater replacement in Edmonton—whichever makes sense for your situation. Considering an upgrade or retrofit? We take care of new plumbing installations, too.
24/7 Service
It may go without saying, but plumbing problems usually don’t occur at convenient times. Never fear; EZ Plumbing is here 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to provide water heater repairs!
Save Room in Small Spaces
If you don’t have room for traditional systems with larger footprints, we’ll help you by installing anything from tankless water heaters to wall-hung heating units. Not only do they free up space, they also help you stay energy efficient.
Control Venting and Humidity
Even something as small as a bathroom or kitchen exhaust fan can make a huge difference to your home. Most make a lot of noise but don’t adequately vent humidity and hot air. Improve your energy efficiency with a better exhaust fan.
Stay Safe
Don’t just imagine your boiler or gas lines are fine without any regular maintenance. Better safe than sorry! One call to EZ Plumbing helps you stay safe with a whole-system check.
Take Care of Any Heating Service
Call EZ Plumbing Inc. for any heating need. To sum up, here are a few more things we do:
Furnace installations, replacement, and repairs
Digital, remote-control thermostat installations
Energy efficiency upgrades/retrofits
Boiler inspections, steam, and hydronic system treatments
Mechanical consulting
Exhaust fans
Wall-hung, space-saving units
Don’t wait. Request a quote or contact us in Edmonton—about boilers, water heaters, furnaces, or virtually anything else! Call us today at 780-800-1001!